- Moss
Park Armoury Transformation Project
- A
Campaign to Turn a Little-Used War Training Facility into a
Non-Profit, Affordable Housing Community in the heart of
In the
early 1960s, housing in the city block between Shuter and Queen
(north-south) and Jarvis and Sherbourne (west-east) was knocked down
to make way for a war training facility, the Moss Park
April, 2002, we have campaigned to transform the armoury back into
housing to meet the REAL needs of the community. The campaign has
been endorsed by Toronto City Council, Street Health, Foodshare, the
Toronto Disaster Relief Committee, and thousands of people who have
signed our petitions.
We have
currently suspended for the time being regular Tuesday evening vigils
from 5 to 6:30 pm to hand out flyers, gather signatures on our
petition, serve food, and offer an ear to listen and whatever skills
we have to help those seeking assistance.Keep up the pressure on
Mayor David Miller to pressure Ottawa to turn the facility over to
the city.
Related to the Moss Park Campaign
- Open
Letter to Mayor David Miller: Turn the Armoury over to the City,
February 2, 2004
- Canadian
Military Told to Vacate Armoury, March 15,
- Xmas
Eve: No Room at the Armoury, Dec. 24, 2002
- Cadet
Joins Moss Park Vigil: A Change of Heart Warms a Cold Evening,
October 29, 2002
- Food
not Bombs launched at Moss Park Armoury, October 1,
- War
Minister Declares Toronto Armouries Needed as War Training Camps,
Not as Shelters and Housing for the Homeless, September 3,
- First
Threat of Arrest Marks Week Four of Moss Park Vigil, June 25,
- Verbal,
Physical Threats Mark Third Week of Moss Park
June 18, 2002
- Moss
Park Armoury Declared "Security Zone" in Response to Homes not
Bombs Anti-Poverty Vigils, June 11, 2002
- Vigil
Launched at Moss Park, War Training Interrupted, June 4,
- Letters
to War Dept. Officials Re: Moss Park, May -- June,